Thursday, 30th of June 2016
Warm up - Coaches choice A) Seated strict press 5 x 3 A1) EMOM 0 - 5 : 3 x Push press 5 - 10 : 3 x Split jerk B) Hang snatch 1 2 3...

Wednesday, 29th of June 2016
Warm up - Coaches choice A) OH Squat 5 x 5 B) 5 x Max Pull ups (Strict) C) 75 x Air squats 50 x KB Swings 24/16 40 x Goblet squats 24/16...

Tuesday, 28th of June 2016
Warm up - Coaches choice A) Floor Press 5 x 3 B) 400m best effort run C) 5 rounds for time 400m run 8 x Squat cleans 60kg/45kg

Monday, 27th of June 2016
Warm up - Coaches choice A) 1 rep max deadlift A1) Working at 95% - Complete 5 sets of 1 B) 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 Toes to bar HSPU Box Jumps
Friday 24/6/16 TEAM WOD
IN teams of 3 or 4 athletes: YGIG of: 40 x Rounds (extended Holleyman) 5 x Wall balls 9/5kg 3 x HSPU 1 x Power Clean 100/60/kg Change...

Thursday 23/6/6 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers Beginners - Muscle Snatch Advanced - build a heavy muscle snatch WOD - Tabata this: Calorie Row Muscle Snatch 40/30kg ** KB Swing...

Wednesday 22/6/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers - Beginners Clean and Jerk Tekkers - Advanced Build a quality complex of: 1+2+2 of: Power clean Push press and Split Jerk WOD...
Tuesday 21/6/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Thrusters 10-10-10-10 For max load WOD - Performance for time 15 x HSPU 30 x Burpees 50 x Double Unders 12 x HSPU 24 x Burpees...
Monday 20/6/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Deadlift 5 x 75% 3 x 85% 1+ 95% WOD for time 6 x Rounds of Cindy 400m Run 5 x Rounds of Cindy 400m Run 4 x Rounds of Cindy 400m...

Saturday 18/6/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers Hang Power Cleans WOD in Partners - For time You Go I Go 60 x Hang Power Clean and Push Press 60/40kg Then 50 x Syncronised...