Wednesday, 31st of August 2016
A) Warm up to a heavy 5 reps of deadlift A1) 5 x 5 deadlifts B) 10 minutes EMOM complete 3 hang cleans C) Row 750m x 2 2 minutes rest...

Tuesday, 30th of August 2016
A) Build to a heavy 3 rep front squat A1) 5 x 3 Front Squats B) Max unbroken Thrusters at 45/30 C) 100 x Front squats - When the bar is...

Friday, 26th of August 2016
60 x Squat cleans - 60kg

Introducing Marv Turner - GBPF Power lifter and Strength & Fitness Coach
Marv Turner - GBPF Powerlifter Strength & Fitness Coach My journey in lifting started with a basic weight set for an early teen birthday...

Thursday, 25th of August 2016
A) 1 rm Push Press B) Clean and Jerk - Heavy singles EMOM 10 minutes C) 3 rounds for time 4 x Snatch grip deadlifts 8 x Push press 16 x...

Wednesday, 24th of August 2016
A) 5 x 5 back squat A1) 1 x 20 back squat B) Partner WOD - 25 minute time cap 1 - 200 Run 2 - 1 pull up & 2 press ups After every round...

Tuesday, 23rd of August 2016
A) 5 x 3 Floor Press B) Heavy Snatch EMOM 10 minutes C) 6 x 250m best effort row with 30 seconds rest

Monday, 22nd of August 2016
A) 1 rep max Deadlift B) AMRAP 20 minutes Increase by 2 reps on each round completed 2 x Hang Cleans 2 x Thrusters 2 x Bar over burpees...

The 5 rules of success
Listening to a podcast earlier and came across probably the best advice ive ever heard! It can be transferred to ANYTHING! Work, freedom,...

Friday, 19th of August 2016
FRAN FRIDAY!! 21 - 15 - 9 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg Pull ups