Monday, 31st of October 2016
Halloween 666 WOD - 111 x Power Cleans 40/30 111 x Pull ups 111 x STOH 40/30 111 x Air Squats 111 x Double unders 111 x Burpees Time cap...
Friday, 28th of October 2016
Mary AMRAP in 20 minutes of: • 5 HSPU • 10 Pistol squats • 15 Pull-ups
Happy 352nd birthday Royal Marines
10% discount on all our memberships for serving and ex serving military Royal Marines 352nd Corps Birthday: On the 28th October 1664 an...
Thursday, 27th of October 2016
A) 1 rep max push press B) 14 minute time cap 1200m run buy in AMRAP 6 x Deadlifts 120/80 8 x Box jumps 10 x Wall balls 9/5
Wednesday, 26th of October 2016
A) Paused back squat onto box 5 x 5 B) 3 rounds for time 12 x TTB 12 x Sit ups 50 x DU
Im not fit enough for CrossFit....
The statement I hear on a regular basis. I cant wait to do CrossFit, ill come soon, im working on getting fit first. Have you ever...
Tuesday, 25th of October 2016
A) 10 minute EMOM 2 x 1st Pull 1 x Full Snatch B) Row 6 x 250m
Monday, 24th of October 2016
A) 5 x 3 Floor Press B) 5 minute AMRAP : 8 x burpees 8 x PTOH 2 minute rest 8 minute AMRAP : 10 x OH Plate lunges 20/15 6 x OH Plate squats
Friday, 21st of October 2016
Lynne 5 rounds for reps Benchpress (bodyweight) Strict Pull ups
Thursday, 20th of October 2016
A) 1 rep max deadlift B) Max muscle ups C) Max ring dips