Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Well its been a busy year for us here at CrossFit Widnes We have you to thank for that!! Its been an amazing year for us as a new...
Wednesday 23/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength (WK4 of 4 Phase 2 - De-load) (2.5+kg added from phase1) Shoulder Press 5 @ 40% 1RM 5 @ 50% 1RM 5 @ 60% 1RM WOD (performance)...
Tuesday 22/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength (WK4 of 4 Phase 2 - De-load) (5+kg added from phase1) Deadlift 5 @ 40% 1RM 5 @ 50% 1RM 5 @ 60% 1RM WOD EMOM 12 Mins 1st Min - 5...
Monday 21/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength (WK4 of 4 Phase 2 - De-load) (5+kg added from phase1) Front Squats 5 @ 40% 1RM 5 @ 50% 1RM 5 @ 60% 1RM WOD Fitness for time 15 x...
Monday 21/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength (WK4 of 4 Phase 2 - De-load) (5+kg added from phase1) Front Squats 5 @ 40% 1RM 5 @ 50% 1RM 5 @ 60% 1RM WOD Fitness for time 15 x...
Saturday 19/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Wk3 of 4 phase 2 (Add 5kg 1rm) Shoulder Press 3 x 70% 3 x 80% 3+ 90% WOD for Time (chipper) 400m Run 5 x Pistols 10 x Pullups...
Thursday 17/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Skill Pistols and Scales WOD (Peformance) 5 x RFT 6 x Bar Muscle Ups 7 x Handstand Pushups 8 x Pistols (4 each Leg) WOD (Fitness) 5 x...
Wednesday 16/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength EMOM 10 mins 1st - 8 x Strict Pullups (dead hang) 2nd - 8 x Push Press (Build load) WOD 8 x RFT 10 x Single Arm KB Squat Clean...
Tuesday 15/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Wk3 of 4 phase 2 (Add 5kg 1rm) Deadlift 3 x 70% 3 x 80% 3+ 90% Skill 10 mins Establish longest standing jump Establish Highest...
Monday 14/12/15 - WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Wk3 of 4 Phase 2 (5kg more 1rm) Front Squats 3 x 70% 3 x 80% 3+ 90% WOD 1 In partners 8 min AMRAP Row 600m Each then You go I go...