Saturday 31/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers SDHP and KB Cleans WOD for Time in teams of 2 Complete: 800m Run Then One athlete to work at once Complete: 100 x Pullups 100 x...
Thursday 29/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers Rowing technique WOD AMRAP 40 mins in teams Row max Calories as a team Change rower after each member of the team completes: 200m...
Wednesday 28/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 WOD in teams of 2 - for time 100 x Deadlifts 100/80kg one athlete to work at once every...
Tuesday 27/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Strict Pullup +Strict Toes to bar 6-6-6-6-6 WOD In a 90 sec window complete AMRAP Calorie Row Rest 30 secs In a 90 sec window...
Monday 26/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength Establish heaviest 3RM Thruster in 15 mins WOD 100 x STOH 60/40kg Every time bar stops moving complete 200m Run/Row Time cap is...
Saturday 24/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength/Tekkers Build a quality load for the following complex in 12 mins 1 x Snatch Grip Deadlift 1 x High Hang Squat Snatch 2 x...
Thursday 22/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength 15 mins to establish a Heavy Triple touch and go Clean and Push Jerk WOD Hero WOD "DT" 5 x RFT 12 x Deadlifts 70/50kg 9 x Hang...
Thursday 22/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength 15 mins to establish a Heavy Triple touch and go Clean and Push Jerk WOD Hero WOD "DT" 5 x RFT 12 x Deadlifts 70/50kg 9 x Hang...
Wednesday 21/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers Muscle ups and Transitional work Pistols and scales WOD 1 Mile Run Then 3 rounds of: 12 x Hollow Rocks 9 x Pistols 6 x Ring or...
Tuesday 20/10/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Strength 12 mins to establist a Heavy 5RM Front Squat Then 6 mins to build to 50% of your 1RM Hang Squat Clean Then EMOM 7 Mins 3 x High...