Saturday 1st November 2014 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup Mobility 3 rounds for quality 10 x Bar Taps 10 x Pressups 10 x Air Squats Tekkers (Foundations Presses) Shoulder press Push press...

Friday 31st October 2014 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit with Mobility
Warmup Mobility +Tekkers Burgner Warmup for Squat Clean and Thruster WOD 12 Min EMOM 1 x Power Clean 1 x Hang Squat Clean Thruster...

Thursday 30th October 2014 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup Mobility 400m Run/Row Active Stretching/PVC Pipe mobility Tekkers Power Snatch and Overhead Squat 10 mins to establish a 5RM Power...

Wednesday 29th October 2014 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup Mobility 3 x Rounds for Quality 8 x Dive Bomber Pressups 8 x squats 8 x Step Lunges Tekkers Wall Balls +Box Jumps +TTB/KTE...

Tuesday 28th October 2014 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup Mobility Single Leg Deadlifts/TouchDowns Floor Bridges Pipe Mobility Active Stretching Tekkers Sumo Deadlift High Pull Strength...

Monday 27th Octover 2014 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup Mobility 3 mins burpees Active Stretching Tekkers Pullup/Kipping/Strict WOD For Time (Lots of scaling availble) 5 rounds of CINDY...

Saturday 25th October 2014 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup/Mobility Squat mobility Shoulder Mobility Tekkers Thrusters Strength Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3 WOD 21-15-9 Burpees Toes To Bar Thrusters...

Friday 24th October 2014 - CrossFit and Mobility
Mobility Lats, thoracic spine and Scapula mobilisation and intense stretching WOD For Time Isabel 30 x Snatches 60kg

Thursday 23/10/14 - Workout Of The Day "DIANE"
Strength Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 "Diane" Benchmark WOD 21-15-9 Deadlift 60/100kg HandStand Push Ups Ideally the deadlift weight will be 70% of...

Wednesday 22nd Octobver 2014 - Workout Of The Day
WOD For Time 400m Row Buy In 40 x Air Squats 5 x Pullups 100m Run 40 x ButterFly Situps 10 x Pullups 100m Run 40 x Wall Balls 5/8kg 15 x...