Wednesday 1st July 2015 - CrossFit Widnes - WOD
Warmup/Mobility Shoulder mobility 3 x Ring dips holds 10 sec 90 second Squat Sitting 20 x Air Squats 10 x Pullups/banded Tekkers...

Tuesday 30th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Strength Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 WOD In teams of 2: Buy In (Athlete 1) 350m Row Then YGIG (You Go I Go) 60 x Front Squats 50/30kg 60...

Monday 29th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Strength STOH 8-8-8 WOD AMRAP in 3 Mins 7 x STOH 50/30kg 7 x Toes To Bar Then 400m Run after 3 mins completed Rest 90secs after last...

Saturday 27th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup + Tekkers Drills for Deadlift/Cleans/Jerk Tekkers/Strength 20 mins to establish heaviest Hang Clean + Push Jerk WOD DT - Hero 5 x...

Thursday 25th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup +Tekkers Burgner Warmup for Hang Snatch 3 x Rounds of: 10 x PVC Pipe Snatches 10 x OH Squats 10 x Pass Backs WOD EMOM 12 Mins...

Wednesday 24th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day
Warmup Mobility Coaches Choice Tekkers Pullups/Kipping/strict if you can strict pullup work on 5 x 5 weighted strict pullups If you can...

Tuesday 23rd June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup Mobility Squat therapy/shoulders Strength 15 mins to find Heaviest 2RM Thruster WOD - Partner WOD In teams of 2 (YGIG) x 6 rounds...

Monday 22nd June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup Mobility Posterior Chain/whole body Strength Deadlift from Deficit (10kg plate) 5-5-5-5-5 WOD - Chipper for Time BUY IN 400m run...

Saturday 20th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup Mobility Burgner Warmup Tekkers Hang Power Snatch+OH Squat WOD 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg Chest to Bar...

Thursday 18th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
Warmup Mobility Squat Therapy/Shoulder Mobilise Strength WOD Every 90secs 12 rounds Complete 3 x Front squats 6 x Seated KB Press * Score...