Saturday 26/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing WK2 Session 4 Skill/Strength High Hang Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 WOD - 5 x RFT 7 x Hang Snatch 50/30kg 7 x Front Squats 200m Run

Thursday 24/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing Wk2 session 3 Strength Wendler WK2 Shoulder Press 3 x 70% 3 x 80% 3 x 90% WOD For time 4 x STOH 70/50kg 8 x Burpees 8...

Wednesday 23/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Tekkers/Skill - 10 mins Beginners - Kipping Tekkers Advanced - Rope Climb WOD for Time 400m Run 12 x Pullups 24 x Burpees 800m Run 24 x...

Tuesday 22/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing Wk 2 Session 2 Strength - Wendler Wk 2 Deadlifts 3 @70% 3 @80% 3 @90% WOD - AMRAP 15 mins 7 x Deadlifts 100/70kg 6 x...

Monday 21/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing WK2 Session 1 Strength - Wendler WK2 Front Squats 3 @70% 3 @80% 3 @90% ** 2 warmup sets before hitting 70% WOD - AMRAP...

Saturday 19/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing Wk2 Session 1 Refer to your Personal Program Skill Max Height box jump test (10 mins) WOD - 4 x RFT 10 x Hang power...

Thursday 17/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing (open gym) WK1 Session 4 Refer to your personal program Strength Wendler Wk1 Shoulder Press 5 x 75% 5 x 80% 5 x 85%...

Wednesday 16/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Skill HSPU/Progressions EMOM 6 mins 5 x HSPU * Beginners practise a static Handstand for 20sec Hold each round WOD In a 4 Min Window Run...

Tuesday 15/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing (open gym) WK1 Session 3 - refer to your Personal Program Strength Wendler WK1 Deadlift 2-3 warmup sets then: 5 x 75%...

Monday 14/3/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Performance Rowing (open gym) Week 1 Session 2 (refer to your personal program) 2 x 12min UT1 (intense Aerobic phase) *** Rest between...