Friday, 25th of November 2016
Nicole - AMRAP 20 minute 400m run Max reps pull ups

Thursday, 24th of November 2016
A) Back squat 5 x 5 B) Row 6 x 250m

Wednesday, 23rd of November 2016
A) Floor Press 5 x 3 B) Max ring dips C) 33 - 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 Push ups Toes to bar

Tuesday, 22nd of November 2016
A) Deadlift - 1 rep max B) Deadlift - 1 x 20 reps C) Partner WOD - Complete 80 x HSPU 800m run together 60 x OH Lunges 400m run together...

Monday, 21st of November 2016
A) Shoulder Press 5 x 3 B) WOD - 21.11.2016 26 minute AMRAP 3 x Squat Snatch 6 x Pull ups 9 x KB Thrusters 12 x Sit ups

Friday, 18th of November 2016
Nancy 5 rounds of 400m run 15 x Overhead Squats

Thursday, 17th of November 2016
A) Bar Complex - 7 sets 1 x Power clean 5 x Front Squats B) WOD 3 minutes Wall balls 2 minutes rest 3 minutes KB swings 2 minutes rest 3...

Wednesday, 16th of November 2016
A) 1 rep max back squat B) 2000m row test

Tuesday, 15th of November 2016
A) Floor press 5 x 5 B) WOD 400m run 5 rounds of cindy 400m run 4 rounds of cindy 400m run 3 rounds of cindy 400m run 2 rounds of cindy...

Monday, 14th of November 2016
CrossFit Widnes Benchmark 2 4 minutes Clean and Jerk 1 minute burpees 4 minutes Snatch 1 minute burpees 4 minutes clusters Total reps