Tuesday 22/12/15 WOD CrossFit Widnes
(WK4 of 4 Phase 2 - De-load)
(5+kg added from phase1)
5 @ 40% 1RM
5 @ 50% 1RM
5 @ 60% 1RM
WOD EMOM 12 Mins
1st Min - 5 x Strict HSPU
2nd Min - 8 x Kipping HSPU
3rs Min - 5 x Strict Pullups
4th Min - 8 x Kipping CTB Pullups
*Scale accordingly
WOD in Partners AMRAP in 14 mins
You go I go (1 athlete to work at once)
20 x Burpees
5 x Bar Muscle ups
*(scale 12 x Pullups)