Wednesday 24/2/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
EMOM 10 mins
6 x Pullups (3 to be strict)
*scale as needed for ring rows
jumping eccentric etc
1st min - 3 x Ring Muscle Ups
2nd min 3 x Bar muscles Ups
WOD 1 - AMRAP 8 mins
in partners: (both partners working together at the same time)
5 x Deadlifts 100/60kg
5 x BoxJumps 30/24"
WOD 2 - AMRAP 8 mins
5 x Back Squats 70/50kg
5 x Toes to Bar
1 x athlete starts on one movement, the other athlete on the second movement. Both must complete each of their reps before they change over.
Score is total reps between 2 athletes.