Thursday 14/1/16 WOD CrossFit Widnes
Power Cleans+Jerk
Chipper WOD for Time
In partners:
400m Run (in Sync)
100m Buddy Carry (Each)
25 x CTB Pullups (in Sync)
50 x Situps (in Sync)
400m Run (in Sync)
100m Buddy Carry (Each)
Then You Go I Go (1 rep each)
50 x Snatch 40/30kg
50 x Clean and Jerk 60/40kg
100m Buddy Carry (Each)
400m Run (in Sync)
25 x CTB Pullups (in Sync)
50 x Situps (in Sync)
* Penalty if bar is dropped
Partners to complete 10 x Burpees
** If athletes cannot demonstrate a tidy snatch and clean and jerk in this WOD - Scale both snatch and CnJ for 100x Plate GTOH