Monday 8th June 2015 - Workout Of The Day - CrossFit Widnes
3 x RDS for Quality
15 x Hollow Rocks
20 x Squats
30 x Mountain Climbers
1 attempt at Max Unbroken of:
Strict Pullups
Toes to bar
Hand Release Pushups
Jumping Squats
In a 3 minute Window
400m run, max Strict Pullups
Rest 60 secs Then 3 min window
400m run, max Toes to Bar
Rest 60 secs Then 3 min window
400m Run, max HR Pressups
Rest 60 secs Then 3 min window
400m run, max Jumping squats
Rest 60 secs Then 3 min window
400m run, max Strict Pullups