Friday 29/4/16 TEAM WOD
100m Sprint Relay YGIG - ALL Athletes complete their sprint before moving on:
400m Team Run
30 x Deadlifts 80kg
25 x Deadlifts 100kg
20 x Deadlifts 120kg
15 x Deadlifts 140kg
12 x Deadlifts 120kg
10 x Deadlifts 140kg
8 x Deadlifts 160kg
6 x Deadlifts 180kg
200 x Wall Balls
4k Row
1. You Go I go on ALL movements expcept Team Run - All athletes to completed the 400m run together. Deadlifts cannot commence until everyone completes 400m
2. No athlete to move onto next movement until previous movement and reps completed.
3. One athlete to work at once on Deadlifts
4. One barbell per team
5. One wall ball per team
6. One rower per team
7. Row can be split up however you like until 4k is completed
8. Athletes must 'tag' each other before changeoever
9. The team can help load the barbell up however they like.
10. Team must be made up of male and female athletes